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What Does The New Reality Of Long Term School Closure Mean for Families?

LAUSD announced this morning that all LA Unified schools will stay closed throughout the end of the school year and summer. This decision to continue at-home learning for the remainder of the school year came after consultation with public health officials and the Governor, according to Nick Melvoin.

What does this new reality mean for families?


LAUSD officials are still working with partners like Verizon and Amazon to provide all students with the technology they need to learn from home. They will be providing headphones to all high school students to help minimize distractions. If your kids still need devices or hotspot, you can reach out to your school principal, or email to get what you need.

Meals for Families

The 63 Grab and Go food centers will continue to serve meals for students and families, every weekday from 8 am to 11am.

Graduations and end of year celebrations

While graduations and end of year events will have to be celebrated virtually for now, LAUSD officials are aware how meaningful these achievements are for students and families, and they are exploring the best ways to give high school graduates the opportunity they deserve to walk across a stage and receive their diploma as soon as it’s safe to do so.

Mental health support

The District has launched a Mental Health hotline to help students and families cope with the stress of this crisis. Nick Melvoin will also be hosting a virtual conversation, “Fostering Resilience & Well-being during COVID-19 Crisis,” with experts, District leaders, and parents on Facebook Live on April 15, 2020 at 4:30 pm. You can submit questions ahead of time through this form.

Special Education 

Additional guidance will be coming to families and schools this week from LAUSD officials, and here are resources for families with students with disabilities.

Additional Educational Resources

To help students continue their education at home, numerous educational companies are offering free subscriptions during school closure.


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