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Red Eye Flight with Little Kids: Essential Tips and Tricks!

Red Eye Travel with Little Kids: Essential Tips and Tricks!

Are you a brave soul attempting a red-eye flight with your little ones? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Traveling with children can be challenging, especially during the late hours when exhaustion sets in. However, with the right tips and tricks up your sleeve, you can turn your red-eye adventure into a smooth and stress-free experience for the whole family. From ensuring a comfortable journey to keeping them entertained, read on to discover the best strategies for conquering red-eye travel with your kids.

Red Eye Travel with Little Kids: Essential Tips and Tricks!

Choose the Right Flight

When booking your flight, opt for a departure time that aligns with your children's sleep schedule. Red-eye flights are usually overnight, so if your kids are more likely to sleep on the plane, it can make the journey more comfortable for them (and you!).

Prepare the Kids

Explain to your children what to expect during the flight, including the late departure and the need to sleep on the plane. Engage them in the excitement of traveling and highlight the fun experiences that await them at the destination.

Plan Ahead

Pack a well-stocked bag with essential items like cozy blankets, travel pillows, Inflatable foot rest pillows (this is a lifesaver!), favorite stuffed animals, and comfort items that your kids associate with sleep. Bring noise-canceling headphones to minimize distractions and ensure a peaceful environment.

Red Eye Travel with Little Kids: Essential Tips and Tricks!

Dress for Comfort

Dress your kids in comfortable, breathable clothing or Pajamas that allow them to move freely. Layer their outfits, so they can adjust their clothing according to the temperature on the plane. Don't forget to pack extra clothes in case of spills or accidents.

Time Meals Strategically

Feed your children a satisfying dinner before the flight, so they are not hungry during the night. However, avoid heavy or spicy meals that may upset their stomachs. Pack some healthy snacks to keep them satisfied throughout the journey.

Snack Smart

Pack a variety of their favorite snacks, including some special treats they don't usually get. Surprise snacks can add an extra element of excitement to the journey. Opt for healthy options like fruit slices, granola bars, or trail mix to keep their energy levels balanced.

Red Eye Travel with Little Kids: Essential Tips and Tricks!


Dollar Store Delights

Visit a dollar store before your trip and pick up a few small toys, puzzles, or coloring books to surprise your children with during the flight. These inexpensive items can help keep them entertained and engaged throughout the journey.

Establish a Bedtime Routine

Emulate your child's usual bedtime routine as closely as possible. Brush their teeth, read a story, or play soft music to signal that it's time to wind down. This familiar routine will help them relax and prepare for sleep.

Create a Cozy Sleeping Environment

Bring a lightweight travel blanket or sleep sack to make their seat more comfortable. Request extra pillows or blankets from the flight attendants if needed. Dim the overhead lights and use a small reading light or a nightlight to create a calming atmosphere.

Red Eye Travel with Little Kids: Essential Tips and Tricks!

Avoid Overstimulation

Limit screen time before and during the flight to help your children wind down. Instead, pack books, coloring materials, or quiet games that can engage their minds without excessive stimulation.

Stay Hydrated

Keep your kids hydrated by offering them water regularly throughout the flight. Avoid sugary drinks, as these can disrupt their sleep patterns.

Consult Your Pediatrician

If you anticipate that your children may have difficulty sleeping on the plane, it's worth speaking with your pediatrician beforehand. They can advise you on whether giving your kids melatonin or children's Benadryl is a suitable option to help them relax and sleep. Always follow your pediatrician's instructions and recommended dosages.

Ear Comfort

Changes in cabin pressure during takeoff and landing can cause discomfort in children's ears. To alleviate this, encourage your children to swallow or yawn during these times. For infants or young children, breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, or offering a pacifier can help. For older kids, chewing gum or sucking on a lollipop can provide relief. Additionally, consider purchasing earplugs or earmuffs specifically designed for children to help regulate pressure and minimize discomfort.

Stay Calm and Patient

Remember to stay calm and patient throughout the journey. Children can pick up on your stress, so maintaining a positive attitude and showing them that flying can be fun will help them relax as well.


Red Eye Travel with Little Kids: Essential Tips and Tricks!

By taking steps to ensure ear comfort, you'll help your children experience a more pleasant flight and reduce any potential discomfort caused by changes in cabin pressure. Safe travels!


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Red Eye Travel with Little Kids: Essential Tips and Tricks!


Red Eye Travel with Little Kids: Essential Tips and Tricks!

Red Eye Travel with Little Kids: Essential Tips and Tricks!

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