The LA County Board of Supervisors and LA County Parks are offering affordable, fun, and educational day camps this summer for children ages 6 and up starting July 6, 2020. Registration opens June 29 and is first come, first served.
The Day camps are offered at 90 different LA County Parks and included more than 100 programs ranging from Arts & Crafts, Sports, ESTEAM (Environment, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), Leadership, Media, Performing Arts, Adventures, Fitness, and more.
The program curriculum is focused on instilling positive youth development by using fun themes for participants to explore, learn new skills, and make friends.
All camps adhere to COIVD-19 summer camp operation guidelines that includes physical distancing, cleaning, and the inclusion of personal protective equipment required for both staff and participants. Campers will be assigned to stable groupings during each session.
How to Find a Summer Camp Near Me?
You can search these camps by locations, category, days of the week, date, age and more. Weekly payment plans are available.
To register, first you need to create an account. See the video below for instructions on how to create a new customer account to register for day camps.
For more information, visit Los Angeles County Park and Recreation Site.