Los Angeles County beaches are currently under an advisory because of excessive bacteria resulting from recent rains. Those planning to visit the beach this week are advised to be wary of excessive bacteria.
Beachgoers in Los Angeles County should be aware that excessive bacteria resulting from recent rains has prompted an advisory. The advisory has been in effect since Tuesday and will continue until Friday, December 30 at 4:30 p.m., local time.

The effect on the beach will be prolonged
The experts say that the current alert for Los Angeles County beaches may be prolonged if there is additional rainfall activity. Brief but intense downpours have been raining in the Los Angeles area since Tuesday afternoon, and they are expected to continue intermittently through Friday, according to the National Weather Service.
Surfers in Los Angeles and Ventura counties should avoid the ocean for the next few days, as strong waves and rip currents are expected. There may be an increase in the number of people who drown this week because rip currents can pull swimmers out to sea, waves can wash people off beaches and rocks, and small boats may capsize.
The LA County Department of Public Health issued a warning
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has issued a warning to the general public, warning people not to enter the water due to increased levels of “chemicals, debris, trash, and other public health hazards from city streets and mountain areas that may contaminate ocean waters at and around discharging storm drains, creeks, and rivers.”
The Department of Public Health is warning people against entering the water of the ocean during this time period. People with weakened immune systems, children, and seniors are most likely to contract the illness. After a period of heavy rain, beachgoers should avoid coming into contact with the water of sea for at least three days, according to the Department of Public Health.
Beaches are being closed
Due to high tides in the early morning hours of Saturday, December 24th, @NWSLosAngeles has issued a Beach Hazard Statement. The morning king high tides will cause minor tidal overflows and increased rip current activity from noon through 12:00 p.m.
If there is a documented sewage or chemical spill that is affecting the sea water, a beach will be closed. Someone who comes into contact with water might become sick. When a beach is shut down, people who use it are urged to stay away from the water in the area where closure notices are posted as well as the actual closure area.
Southern California is expected to receive five straight days of rain.
There is also an Ocean Water Rain Advisory
When heavy rains can cause bacteria levels in the ocean water to increase, a rain advisory is issued. During and after storms that bring a lot of rain, runoff can cause bacterial counts to dramatically rise. Bacterial counts may remain elevated for up to three days after it has quit raining, depending on how much rain falls and how much runoff there is.
People can become ill from the high concentration of bacteria in marine water, particularly children and seniors. After a downpour, the Department of Public Health advises beachgoers to avoid entering the water for a period of three days in areas near flowing storm drains, creeks, and rivers. This warning is especially significant in these locations.
