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2020-2021 LAUSD Schedule For Distance Learning and Everything You need to Know!

Updated: May 25, 2022

On August 3, 2020, Superintendent updated parents about the 2020-2021 school year. Superintendent Butner confirmed that when the schools start the week of August 17th, it will start without the kids at school. It has also been confirmed that the schools will start at 9:00 am and end at 2:15 pm with more student/teacher interaction.

The goal for online learning fir the school year 2020-2020 is to have as much teacher and student interactions as possible to make sure that students and teachers stay connected.

Online Learning For School Year 2020-2021

Online learning this school year will have more structure standards, and increased interactions with students and teachers. Schools will also provide one on one support for in-person and online for students who need it most to make sure that every student in elementary school built a foundation in literacy, math, and critical thinking skills. He acknowledged that students with disabilities, ESL students, are mostly impacted by the absence from school.

This year, all the instructions will be supported by better connecting digital tools and technologies to help teachers and students. The operations pieces to support teacher/student interactions will continue to be improved. In 2020-2021 school year, the LAUSD will simplify use of different technologies and integrate into one common system, “Schoology”.

He also acknowledged that the shift to online learning has increased the demand on families. Young students will need the help of a family member to connect them to their teacher. Older students may need one on one support if they are struggling and all students need a quiet place to work and encouragement to focus on their studies.


These are trying times for families who have to juggle the impact the virus is having on their lives. LAUSD wants to help as much as they can. They will continue to make sure that every student has a device and internet connection, and they have added more training including a YouTube Channel, “Los Angeles Unified Help for Families”, to help answer their questions.

The school will provide family and student handbooks, and will have phone hotlines for community building activities and emotional check-ins. The schools will also continue food relief effort until students return to schools.

The Schedule For The First Week of School 2020-2021

The first days of school will be spent continuing to train teachers and give them time to plan for instructions. This time will also be used to make sure that students are connected with school and their teachers; have devices and access to internet; and have appropriate text books and instructional materials. On Wednesday, August 19th, there will be a student orientation online and on Thursday, August 20th, the regular instructional schedule begins.

Sample Schedule for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten

Students in TK and Kindergarten are expected to have 90 minutes of synchronous instructions online consisting of Science, Music, Art, English Language Arts, and Math. They will also have 90 minutes of assignments to be completed asynchronously. Additional instructions and enrichment activities, and one on one tutoring will be available on Saturdays.

Typical Day for an Elementary English Learner Student

The schedule will be shorter than a normal on-campus schedule and will start at 9:00 am and will end at 2:15 pm.

Morning 9:00 - 11:45

Student log-in and attendance

Whole group learning with teacher

Student-Teacher Daily Wellness Check-in

Distance learning routines and Norms Review

Small-group differentiated


12:25 to 2:15

Designated English Language Development

Whole Group Learning with Teacher

Small Group Differentiated instruction

Conversation Skills

Physical Education

Additional instructions and enrichment activities, and one on one tutoring will be available on Saturdays.

LA School Calendars 2020-2021

First Day of School: August 18, 2020

Labor Day Holiday: September 4 - 7, 2020

Yom Kippur (no school): September 28, 2020

Veteran’s Day (no school): November 11, 2020

Thanksgiving Break: November 23 - 27, 2020

Winter Break: December 21, 2020 – January 8, 2021

Second Semester Begins: January 11, 2021

Dr. Martin Luther King Day (no school): January 18, 2021

President’s Day (no school): February 15, 2021

Spring Break: March 26 – April 2, 2021

Memorial Day (no school): May 31, 2021

Last Day of School: June 10, 2021

Click here for a printable calendar.

Handbooks and Guidelines 2020-2021

At each level, there will be consistent schedule for students. The goal is to set a clear set of expectations for teachers, as well as for students and families. LAUSD has also created resource guides for principals and families, as well as new instructional materials and support for teachers. Each Handbook provides a complete check list to make sure schools do their best to meet unique needs of each student.

Support for Teachers and Staff 2020-2021

In order to support all who work at schools, LAUSD will be providing childcare for school staff during online learning because teachers and staff at schools are essential workers under state guidelines. There will be at least 1 staff person for every 6 children; Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. LAUSD will expand the effort to include all children once guidelines allow for students to be back to school.

Getting Students Back To School

When community factors allow, LAUSD wants to get students back to their classrooms. The challenge will be to do so while they protect the health and safety of all the school community. There should be testing for the virus and contact tracing at schools including health practices.

A great amount of work continues at school facilities to increase safety for when the kids return to school. All schools are stuck with supplies, and classes will be cleaned from top to bottom. Each night, staff will clean every surface with electrical machines. The air filter and air conditioning systems have been replaced with the same materials that are used in N95 masks, and facilities are well marked for all school members to keep appropriate distance, to wear mask, and wash hands regularly (every 20 minutes). LAUSD will continue to listen to health experts and put in place the recommendations on how to reduce the risk at schools.

The health practices on campuses will include:

  • Symptom checks and screening

  • Modified schoolroom layouts

  • Staggered start times

  • Physically distancing (6+ feet)

  • One direction traffic in hallway

  • Face Coverings

  • Hygiene

  • Disinfecting desks, tables, chairs, and other surfaces in between uses

  • Upgrade air filtration systems

The goal is to maintain social distancing and reduce number of interaction between people; therefore the new classroom will have half as many students as before. There will be fewer students at school at any one time, so the kids will be on a hybrid schedule, which will combine in-school and online instructions. The goal is to maximize the time for students at school: every day for elementary students, and every 2 to 3 days a week for secondary students. Students will also be able to attend school on Saturday mornings for one on one tutoring (online or in-person) for the students who need it the most.

Transitioning to In-Person/Hybrid Model

In hybrid model, K-8 students will have supervised care when not receiving direct, on-campus instructions. Efforts may utilize facilities in local communities (libraries, community colleges, parks and recreation sites). Sites will be supervised by LA Unified Staff.

LAUSD will continue to have monthly town halls, and weekly “Coffee with the Principal” meetings to make sure parent’s concerns and questions will be answered. To find more information about back to school and online learning, please check LAUSD's official website.
